Eurasian Spoonbill
Scientific Name: Platalea leucorodia
Sri Lankan Names: handialawa, (sudu or urasianu)
Other names: White spoonbill
I spotted these birds closer to Hambantota Town, a small Town in Southern Province early in the morning in January 2013. These birds are called "Spoonbill" because the end of their long beak is flat horizontally like a spoon. There are six species of spoonbills found in the world. This particular species is called White or Eurasian spoonbill and it is the only spoonbill species found in Sri Lanka so far. White spoonbill is seen in Europe, Africa and Asia. These birds can be seen in low lands in dry zone of Sri Lanka in and around marshy lands, paddy fields and reservoirs.
It is generally covered in white feathers in non-breeding season and yellow-orange crest and flush on breast appear during breeding season.
Mature birds have long black beaks with some yellow at the end of the beak. I could see them often during early morning hours and at dusk. They like to be in a small group and sometimes join other similar bird groups in the area (most often with Storks, Egrets, Herons).